Most Porn 2012 Cities In America List

By: , NewsOXY Reporter
05/14/2012 12:21 AM ET

A recent list compiled by Men's Health magazine crowns Orlando at the top of the porn list of cities in America, a somewhat dubious distinction for a town more widely known for family-friendly fare such as Walt Disney World and Sea World.

"It seems that while tourists line up at a kid-friendly fantasy world, the locals prefer one in which Snow White and the dwarfs whistle while they ... well, you know," the magazine said.

The magazine considered several criteria to come to its conclusion about Orlando: the number of dirty DVDs bought, rented and streamed on; the number of adult stores; the rate of online porn searches; and how many people subscribe to Cinemax (nicknamed "Skinemax" for its soft-core porn programming).

It's unclear just how well Orlando performed in each category since the list merely ranks the top 100 cities, although it calls Florida the most "salacious state." Tampa ranked No. 8, while Miami was No. 12.

Other hypersexual cities include Las Vegas (No. 2); Wilmington, Del. (No. 3); Raleigh, N.C. (No. 4); and Charlotte, N.C. (No. 5).

Some bigger cities are further down the list:

New York City is No. 76.

The New York Daily News reported that Los Angeles, home to major porn studios, ranks at -- what else -- No. 69.

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