​Olalla Oliveros Nun Revelation Stuns Modeling Industry

Olalla Oliveros Nun
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June 25, 2014

Olalla Oliveros nun rumors are correct, she grew tired of being a model, so she joined Order of Saint Michael. Few people will ever understand why Olalla Oliveros made the transition or gave up her modeling career. Olalla Oliveros took part in several glamorous photo shoots, starred in movies, and saw her face on billboards across Spain.

According to The Huffington Post, the well-known Spanish model and actress has changed her appearance. In the midst of a thriving career, the beauty from Galicia has donned blue sackcloth and a veil. The Huffington Post writes:

“Oliveros cites a visit to a shrine, The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, as the event that sparked her big decision. Though reluctant to talk too much about herself, Oliveros told El Diaro de Carlos Paz that she was increasingly unhappy despite her worldly success and felt an ‘internal earthquake’ caused by her trip to the shrine.”

Olalla Oliveros is reluctant to talk about her nun decision, but told the National Catholic Register that the Lord is never wrong. She claims that he asked if she would follow him, and she could not refuse. Oliveros found the experience strange initially, but later could not shake the image of herself dressed as a nun out of her head.

That vision prompted the 36-year-old to quit her job and become a nun instead, changing her name to Sister Olalla del Sí de María. Though Oliveros joined the order four years ago, she has only recently spoken about the decision. She told El Tiempo:

“Being a model means being a benchmark, someone whose beliefs are worthy of being imitated, and I grew tired of being a model of superficiality … I grew tired of a world of lies, appearances, falsity, hypocrisy and deception, a society full of anti-values that exalts violence, adultery, drugs, alcohol, fighting, and a world that exalts riches, pleasure, sexual immorality and fraud … I want to be a model that promotes the true dignity of women and not their being used for commercial purposes.”

Olalla Oliveros’s decision to become a nun was not due to a bad career, according to her agent, Mirella Melero. On the contrary, Oliveros had just won a movie role. Though Oliveros entered into the order four years ago, she only recently decided to open up about her decision. Formerly represented by Agencia Plan B in Spain, she is now known as Sister Olalla del Sí de María.