Latest Health News Stories

Latest Health News Stories Page 5

This is page 5 of the latest Health news stories and essential articles written by Pat Prescott and other journalists for NewsOXY. Today is Thursday, November 10, 2011.

Chocolate Lowers Risk Of Stroke Study Finds

A new study has found that chocolate can lower the risk of stroke. Eating chocolate in moderation has already been linked to lowering blood pressure, and reducing the risk of heart disease. Now researchers believe that it will lower the risk of stroke in women. It seems though the more you eat the better, said [...]

Listeria And Cantaloupe Death Toll Rises To 21

The listeria out break linked to cantaloupe has its death toll rise to 21. Federal health officials say that the outbreak that started in Colorado may get even worse. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday reported new deaths in Indiana and New York. The CDC has also reported that 109 people have [...]

Denmark Fat Tax To Improve Life Expectancy

Denmark levies the first fat tax in an effort to improve their life expectancy. Unlike the sin tax, which is alcohol and tobacco, the country wants to curb unhealthy eating habits. Citizens will pay 12 cents more for a bag of chips and an additional 40 cents for a hamburger. The fax tax levies will [...]

Causes of Pancreatic Cancer and Risks

Here’s a list of causes of Pancreatic Cancer. The recent death of Steve Jobs has brought new awareness on the subject. Jobs died on October 5, just six years of being diagnosed with the incurable disease. While it is virtually impossible to tell what caused a specific person to develop pancreatic cancer, there are some [...]

Study Says Cortisone Shots May Prevent PTSD

A new study says a quick shot of cortisone may prevent PTSD, according to researchers at Sheba Medical Center. It’s known as a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event resulting in psychological trauma. Professor Joseph Zohar, head of the research, said that the body already produces its own steroid hormone [...]

Study: Green Tea May Aid Weight Loss

A study finds that green tea may aid in weight loss. The study performed at Penn State University concluded that a compound in the herbal beverage slowed down weight gain in mice. The researchers found that the consumption limits the amount of fat absorbed by the body. The study involved using mice that were already [...]

Lettuce Recall Expands As FDA Warns 19 States

A lettuce recall has been issued by the FDA that spans 19 states and Canada due to a listeria contamination. A California farm has notified 19 states and Canada. Originally, True Leaf Farms shipped the product to an Oregon food service distributor in which they shipped 90 cartons of product to Washington and Idaho. However, [...]

Four Loko and FTC Unveil New Labels

Four Loko is about to get some new labels to warn consumers on caffeine and alcohol content. Phusion Projects has agreed to work with the Federal Trade Commission in order to settle a charge of deceptive advertising. It’s the latest step to address energy drink health concerns and the facts that go into the product. [...]

Cancer Spike In Men Tied To HPV

Cancer Spike In Men Tied To HPV? Researchers have linked the human papilloma virus to throat cancer in men. The new report, released by Ohio State University, shows the virus is fueling a 28 percent rise in orpharyngeal cases since 1988, an additional 10,000 cases per year. The researchers report that if the cancer spike [...]

2011 September Product Recalls

This is a the 2011 September Product Recalls list. The final month of summer was a busy one and contains everything from the latest outbreak of listeria to undeclared allergens. We begin with a Colorado farm. Jensen Farms in Granada, Colorado, recalled its Rocky Ford cantaloupe after it was linked to a multi-state outbreak of [...]

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