Latest Odd News Stories

Latest Odd News Stories Page 5

This is page 5 of the latest Odd news stories and essential articles written by Jennifer Hong and other journalists for NewsOXY. Today is Friday, November 11, 2011.

Crane Operator Tries To Steal Car

LaPorte, Ind. - La Porte, Ind. police said that a man wanted to steal a car so badly, he picked it up with a crane and took off. The robbery happened early Sunday morning at a Jeep-Chrysler dealership. The robber pulled up in a flatbed truck with a crane attached to the back, then lifted [...]

Woman Assaulted With Frozen Armadillo

Man assaulted woman with a frozen armadillo. A Texas woman was assaulted by man with a frozen armadillo. Dallas police say they are still searching for the man that struck the woman twice with the carcass. The 57-year-old woman was trying to negotiate a price with the man for the frozen armadillo at the time [...]

Store Clerk Uses Broom To Fight Off Spiderman

Store clerk uses broom to fight off Spiderman. The corrupt Spiderman, beat with a broom, appears to be a copycat. The Onslow County Sheriff’s Office arrested Dale Foughty, 56, after they say he tried to rob a convenience store early this morning while wearing a Spider-Man mask. The arrest comes after a series of robberies [...]

Lost Cell Phone Gets Held For Ransom

Lost cell phone held for $300 ransom. A Cape Coral man was arrested Monday night after holding a man lost cell phone for ransom. The 28-year-old was asking for $300 in exchange for the phone according to police. The victim, Michael Pfister, told Lee County Sheriff’s Office deputies that his $449 cell phone went missing [...]

Bear Cub Wanders Into Grocery Store For Produce

Bear Cub Grocery Store For Veggies From Alaska Wildlife. Bear Cub Grocery Store - The animal wanders into a grocery market in Alaska and heads for the produce section. He walked through the front door of Tatsuda’s IGA, a locally owned food storet in Ketchikan, a small town in the southern part of Alaska late [...]

IPhone App Cheating Heart Busted By Husband

IPhone App Cheating Heart Busted By Husband - Caught by a mobile device. The husband used his “Find My Friends” iPhone 4s app tool to see why his wife wasn’t where she said she would be. The tool was so clever that it found everything the husband wanted to know. The man said he lived [...]

Daughter Takes Sword and Forced To Fight Dad

Daughter Fights Dad With Sword In Duo Fight - Hear Ye, Hear Ye! A man who forced his daughter to take up a sword and fight him while wearing body armor has been arrested. It’s one of the craziest stories that took several hours of fighting before the local police got involved. The Thurston County [...]

Dangerous Animals Escape Exotic Animal Farm

Dangerous animals escape from an exotic animal farm. Wild bears and other beasts were still roaming free in a rural area of eastern Ohio on Wednesday morning. People were being told to stay indoors, according to news reports. Classes were canceled in four area school districts, 10TV News reported. During a Tuesday night news conference, [...]

Hotel Fires Employee For Patriot Flag Pin Of US

Hotel fires employee for flag pin. Sean May wore a US pin for 2 years at job at the Casa Monica Hotel in St. Augustine, Florida. The employee refused to remove the pin and was fired for failing to comply with management. The front desk supervisor was asked repeatedly to remove the item from his [...]

Jonathan McGowan Explains Roadkill Diet, Owl Curries

Jonathan McGowan Enjoys The Roadkill Diet - 30 years eating. McGowan makes roadkill owl curries, and rat stir fries because he doesn’t like the way farmed animals are treated. If you haven’t guessed, Jonathan is a conservationist, and he’s proud of it. The 44-year-old bachelor holds off-the-road food parties and first got a taste for [...]

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